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ติดต่อสอบถามได้ที่โทร. 086-131-6228, 085-930-4143,

Please welcome lady and gentleman to make merit , be the host of Ka-Thin , and pour cement to build “The Large Statue of Buddha(Sleeping Position) 45 metres in length.

At Wat Dong Noi Tambon Kok-Ko Ampher Maung Lopburi

21st November 2015 (On Saturday)

09.30 – 11.00 am. Prepare things for Ka-Thin
02.00 – 04.00 pm. Making Kao-Thip(Kao-Thip is a name of dessert. It is a food in Buddhism History)
04.00 – 07.00 pm. Monks pray and preach about the merit of Ka-Thin.
08.00 pm. Shows form Dong Noi School.

22nd November 2015 (On Sunday)

08.30 am. Harvest cotton flower then show how to make a monk’s robe from its.
09.09 am. Pour cement to build “The Large Statue of Buddha(Sleeping Position)
10.10 am. Thai cultural dancing show from the student of Wat Dong Noi School.
11.00 am. Give lunch to monks.
05.00 pm. Parade “Pa-Pha and Ka-Thin” around the church. Then watching the show form Wat Dong Noi School’s students.
08.00 pm. Give “Ka-Thin” to the monks.

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